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SAT Prep #4: Using Your Calculator’s Fraction Features

Both the TI-83/TI-84 Plus and the TI-89 have built-in features for dealing with fractions, which can help to solve many of the fractions problems on the SAT. For example, on the TI-84, you can convert a decimal into a fraction by using the ▶Frac func …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, SAT, Test Prep, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89 | Leave a comment

Ace the SAT – Our New Test Prep Book!

We’re very proud to announce Calcblog’s test preparation book, Ace the SAT Using Your TI Calculator: Using the TI-84 Plus and TI-89 to Crack the SAT Math Section! This book is packed with tips, tricks and test taking strategies on how to use your graphing  …

Filed under SAT, Test Prep, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89 | Leave a comment

Ace the SAT

Here at Calcblog we try to bring you the best in articles that help you learn to use your calculator to its full potential, whether it be for your math classes, productivity at work, or test preparation. However, it’s not always easy to achieve a complete  …

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Welcome Back!

We hope you’ve had a great summer! Calcblog is back, and we have some exciting new articles planned. We’re starting with an article on solving systems of linear equations scheduled for next week, and after that will be providing more test prep articles as  …

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Business and Finance Math #5: Calculating the Effective Annual Rate (EAR) on the TI-83 & TI-84 Plus

While they are intended primarily for math and statistics work, the TI 83 Plus and TI 84 Plus also have a slew of built in financial functions similar to those available on advanced financial calculators. This tutorial describes how to use the EAR (effecti …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, Finance, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus | Leave a comment

Business and Finance Math #4: Continuous Compounding on the TI BA II Plus & HP 12c

Sometimes when reviewing time value of money (TVM) problems, you may encounter a situation that involves continuous compounding. As we have seen in our previous posts on interest rates and calculating effective rates, the more times compounding occurs, the …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, Finance, HP 12c, TI BA II Plus | 3 Comments

How to Graph Equations on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus

Calcblog’s very first video walks you through all the powerful graphing features available on your TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus. Keep reading to learn how to graph functions, find values at specific points along an equation, and use some of your calculator’s  …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus | 2 Comments

How to Change the Batteries on Your TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus or TI-89

At some point while using your graphing calculator, you will turn on your calculator and be greeted with one of the following messages: Unlike in many portable electronics, changing your calculator’s batteries does not simply mean swapping them out.  …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89, Voyage 200 | 22 Comments

How to Create a Simple Quadratic Formula Program on the TI-89 and Voyage 200

Like the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus, the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 graphing calculators all have their own integrated programming language, TI-BASIC. While this language is somewhat more complex on the TI-89/V200 series than the the TI-83 Plus and T …

Filed under Algebra, Calculator Program, Difficulty: Medium, TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 | 22 Comments

Hypothesis Testing using the Z-Test on the TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89, and Voyage 200

The TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus are optimized for performing many tasks in statistics, and one of their most powerful features is the ability to perform a variety of tests of statistical significance. With the statistics package installed, the TI-89, TI-92 P …

Filed under Difficulty: Medium, Statistics, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 | 1 Comment