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This page contains basic tutorials you need to get started with using your graphing calculator, covering topics such as hooking up your calculator to your computer and transferring programs, as well as basic file management. Articles are separated into tho …

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Algebra Series Index

We originally ran our series on Algebra skills from October 24-28, 2011, and received positive feedback from teachers and students on the content. To make this data easier to access, we’ve placed links to all the articles here—in one place so that it’s e …

Filed under Algebra, Difficulty: Easy | Leave a comment

NEW: TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Function Reference

For the past two weeks, we’ve been working hard on putting together a complete function appendix for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus. This is naturally an ongoing process, due to the magnitude of the product, though we are proud to announce that you can now  …

Filed under Calculator Program, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus | Leave a comment

TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Function Reference

Version 1.0December 14, 2011Welcome to the first version of Calcblog’s complete TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculator function appendix. You can use the index below to scroll down to the function you want to learn more about. Of course, not all inf …

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SAT Calculator Strategies – SAT Test Prep #5

There are a lot of misconceptions about calculator use on the SAT. This article covers some basic strategies on how to use your calculator “smarter.” It also attempts to dispel some of the myths you’ve probably heard about calculators and test prep, such a …

Filed under Difficulty: Easy, SAT, Test Prep, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89 | Leave a comment

TuesDAZED / Vintage Calcblog, Reader Questions, and Some Musings

Dear Readers, I usually use Calcblog’s Twitter for less-official communication, but as I always have lots of thoughts on education and how to improve Calcblog, I thought I’d write a post which is less of a tutorial and more of a true blog entry. If you  …

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Algebra Mini-Series #5: Fraction Mistakes, Cross Multiplying, and Solving Rational Equations

This is the final installment of our weeklong series on improving your algebra skills. Our goal for this series was to provide a useful resource for both students and teachers, so that this article can be used in the classroom, for test prep, or to help yo …

Filed under Algebra, Difficulty: Easy | 2 Comments

Algebra Mini-Series #4: Use Multiplication in Equations Wisely

This is part four of our weeklong series on improving your algebra skills. Our goal for this series is to provide a useful resource for both students and teachers, so that this article can be used in the classroom, for test prep, or to help yourself practi …

Filed under Algebra, Difficulty: Easy | 2 Comments

Algebra Mini-Series #3: Using Substitution To Solve Equations

This is part three of our weeklong series on improving your algebra skills. Our goal for this series is to provide a useful resource for both students and teachers, so that this article can be used in the classroom, for test prep, or to help yourself pract …

Filed under Algebra, Difficulty: Easy | 1 Comment

Algebra Mini-Series #2: Moving Quantities Left and Right in Equations

This is part two of our weeklong series on improving your algebra skills. Our goal for this series is to provide a useful resource for both students and teachers, so that this article can be used in the classroom, for test prep, or to help yourself practic …

Filed under Algebra, Difficulty: Easy | 1 Comment